July 1 Chapter treasurers send dues to International and State Organizations
July 15 Chapter reasurers: Annual Report (Form 15) to Maxine Emm, State Treasurer
July 20 Theta meeting at Janice Clarke's home
Aug. 1 Automated notices mailed to members who have not paid dues
Aug. 6-8 WCSD Teacher Professional Development; Aug. 9 -- Teacher Work Day
Aug. 12 WCSD students return to school
Sept. 1 Second automated notice for missing dues
Sept. 2 Labor Day, no school
Sept. 7 DKG State Executive Bd. Meeting via Zoom, 1-3pm
Sept. 21 Alpha-Theta Meeting -- Welcome Back meeting at Kay Kurvers' home
Sept.-Nov. TBA Financial Audit for Chapter
Oct. 1 Members who have not paid dues will be dropped
Oct. 7-11 WCSD Fall Break
Oct. 17 Hayride planned for Alpha and Theta at Adeline Farms, Sparks
Oct. 25 Nevada Day, no school
Nov. 2 Theta meeting at home of Terrie Camenisch
Nov. TBA Alpha-Theta Meeting: Chautauqua presentation, hosted by Theta
Nov. 5 Election Day: non-student day, Professional Development for staff
Nov. 11 Veterans Day, no school
Nov. 15 State Treasurer files IRS 990
Nov. 27-29 WCSD Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 7 DKG No. NV Holiday Luncheon
Dec. 20 Teacher Work Day
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 WCSD Winter Break (only two weeks this year)
Jan. 11 Theta Meeting -- Home of Terrie Camenisch or by ZOOM
Jan. 15 Exemplary Service Award nominations due to Selection Committee
Jan. 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, no school
Feb. 1 Alpha-Theta Meeting: Museum of Art Docent Tour, 10am; Lunch at the museum
Feb. 15 Rose of Recognition; submit to Chair, Judy Merz (Epsilon)
Rose Committee: Charlene Harris – Chair, with members Lori Johnson and Carol Cardillo
Feb. 15 Yearbook submitted to State Historian, Candy Rooney (Delta) and courtesy copy to State President
Feb. 17 Presidents’ Day, no school
March 1 Chapter Necrology Report (Form 2) submit to Karen Laskowski, State Membership Chair
March 1 All chapters submit newsletters/articles (at least one) to Susan Neal, Web & Donna Harper NVGram Editor
March 17-28 WCSD Spring Break (two weeks)
March 24-25 NV State Convention in Reno area
April 9 Chautauqua Performance at South Reno Library; hors d'oeuvres and desserts available
April 25-26 NV State Convention in Reno
May 3 Alpha-Theta Meeting for Pot Luck and Founders' Day celebration at Janice Clark's home
May 10 Arts/Crafts Fair (10am-3pm) at Old Stone Gifts & Garden, 1350 Geiger Grade, Reno
May TBA Celebrate Washoe Valley, 10am-2pm, Washoe Lake State Park
May 26 Memorial Day, no school
May 31 All chapter NV Apple Awards presented to recipients by this date per Membership State Initiative #2
May 31 Deadline for Theta Membership Dues ($70 active, $30 reserve)
June 6 Last day of school
June 9-11 WSCD Contingency Days for bad weather or another emergency
June TBA Leadership Workshop in Eureka, NV
June 30 Deadline for treasurers to submit chapter dues, international donations, financial forms, etc.
Updated October 2024
July 1 Chapter treasurers send dues to International and State Organizations
July 15 Chapter reasurers: Annual Report (Form 15) to Maxine Emm, State Treasurer
July 20 Theta meeting at Janice Clarke's home
Aug. 1 Automated notices mailed to members who have not paid dues
Aug. 6-8 WCSD Teacher Professional Development; Aug. 9 -- Teacher Work Day
Aug. 12 WCSD students return to school
Sept. 1 Second automated notice for missing dues
Sept. 2 Labor Day, no school
Sept. 7 DKG State Executive Bd. Meeting via Zoom, 1-3pm
Sept. 21 Alpha-Theta Meeting -- Welcome Back meeting at Kay Kurvers' home
Sept.-Nov. TBA Financial Audit for Chapter
Oct. 1 Members who have not paid dues will be dropped
Oct. 7-11 WCSD Fall Break
Oct. 17 Hayride planned for Alpha and Theta at Adeline Farms, Sparks
Oct. 25 Nevada Day, no school
Nov. 2 Theta meeting at home of Terrie Camenisch
Nov. TBA Alpha-Theta Meeting: Chautauqua presentation, hosted by Theta
Nov. 5 Election Day: non-student day, Professional Development for staff
Nov. 11 Veterans Day, no school
Nov. 15 State Treasurer files IRS 990
Nov. 27-29 WCSD Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 7 DKG No. NV Holiday Luncheon
Dec. 20 Teacher Work Day
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 WCSD Winter Break (only two weeks this year)
Jan. 11 Theta Meeting -- Home of Terrie Camenisch or by ZOOM
Jan. 15 Exemplary Service Award nominations due to Selection Committee
Jan. 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, no school
Feb. 1 Alpha-Theta Meeting: Museum of Art Docent Tour, 10am; Lunch at the museum
Feb. 15 Rose of Recognition; submit to Chair, Judy Merz (Epsilon)
Rose Committee: Charlene Harris – Chair, with members Lori Johnson and Carol Cardillo
Feb. 15 Yearbook submitted to State Historian, Candy Rooney (Delta) and courtesy copy to State President
Feb. 17 Presidents’ Day, no school
March 1 Chapter Necrology Report (Form 2) submit to Karen Laskowski, State Membership Chair
March 1 All chapters submit newsletters/articles (at least one) to Susan Neal, Web & Donna Harper NVGram Editor
March 17-28 WCSD Spring Break (two weeks)
March 24-25 NV State Convention in Reno area
April 9 Chautauqua Performance at South Reno Library; hors d'oeuvres and desserts available
April 25-26 NV State Convention in Reno
May 3 Alpha-Theta Meeting for Pot Luck and Founders' Day celebration at Janice Clark's home
May 10 Arts/Crafts Fair (10am-3pm) at Old Stone Gifts & Garden, 1350 Geiger Grade, Reno
May TBA Celebrate Washoe Valley, 10am-2pm, Washoe Lake State Park
May 26 Memorial Day, no school
May 31 All chapter NV Apple Awards presented to recipients by this date per Membership State Initiative #2
May 31 Deadline for Theta Membership Dues ($70 active, $30 reserve)
June 6 Last day of school
June 9-11 WSCD Contingency Days for bad weather or another emergency
June TBA Leadership Workshop in Eureka, NV
June 30 Deadline for treasurers to submit chapter dues, international donations, financial forms, etc.
Updated October 2024