In Memory Of...
Carol Cole
Dana Davis
Ethel Parker Figley
Marvel Guisti
Lucile Grubic
Marilyn Hall
Eva Heap
Elizabeth Hicks
Elaine Hoover
Odell Kirchner
Wilma Likes
Florence Lehners
Anne Parker
Florence Polish
Hazel McComas
Carol Mueller
Mary Lou Murphy
Margaret Muth
Betty Olsen
Jacqueline Peterson
Sandra Scheler-Mangiapia Riley
Elaine Rohrer
Gay Sandburg
Norma Splatt
Mary Kay Sullivan
Frances Test
Ruth Wagner
Shirley Wedow
Gail Wooster Warren
Harriett Wolfe
Marion Woods
Shirley Yates
Dana Davis
Ethel Parker Figley
Marvel Guisti
Lucile Grubic
Marilyn Hall
Eva Heap
Elizabeth Hicks
Elaine Hoover
Odell Kirchner
Wilma Likes
Florence Lehners
Anne Parker
Florence Polish
Hazel McComas
Carol Mueller
Mary Lou Murphy
Margaret Muth
Betty Olsen
Jacqueline Peterson
Sandra Scheler-Mangiapia Riley
Elaine Rohrer
Gay Sandburg
Norma Splatt
Mary Kay Sullivan
Frances Test
Ruth Wagner
Shirley Wedow
Gail Wooster Warren
Harriett Wolfe
Marion Woods
Shirley Yates
Each of these members made significant contributions to our sisterhood. We, the current members of Theta Chapter, thank them for their dedication to their profession and their genuine friendship and support for each other.